Friday, December 16, 2011

A Pretty Kind of Creepy

A new character design!
I love characters that are both good looking and kind of creepy. Where you can’t quite make out if they’re a good guy or a bad guy, and it gets to a point where you don’t care either way, just so long as you can continue to hear their witty, semi-sarcastic comments.

While drawing this character I imagine her to be in a puzzle/Murder Mystery/Suspense kind of game. She is the person you go to when you need some back history knowledge to help crack the case, or the person you ask when your stumped over a certain puzzle in the game. Throughout the game the player would have suspicions about whether she is really there to help or just to confuse, and whether she is in fact dead, alive, or just a figment of their imagination.
You wouldn’t discover that she was a ghost till the very end.
I’m contemplating making a simple flash of her turning into ghost form…..

As for the dress, there is something that isn’t sitting right about it with me…can’t figure out what it is exactly yet though….
and at first I thought “dark blue dress”, then “red striped dress”, now I’m contemplating green…..we shall see….
Also, I got into drawing the bodice only to remember that I’d be covering it with a book…good times.

Also…I wish I had more picture layout options…these are cut oddly….
oh Tumblr, you and your mysterious ways….

To add onto my ramblings: I saw Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows tonight.
I can’t wait till it comes out on DVD so that I may watch Watson’s/Jude Law’s hysterical/laughing drunk face over and over again.
That and Robert Downey Jr. in drag.

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