Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

C'est fini!

Finally finished it! Now onto the next project!

Under the Sea

I've been working on this piece for 4 days straight. Been experimenting with some new techniques, not liking them, starting over, and trying something else again lol
I stare at that pearl earring a lot though, I'll tell you that.

I really like where it's heading but I'm also excited to be finished with it soon so that I can start a new project! :)

Last night I was listening to Ravi Shankar on Pandora while drawing, which really fueled the creative juices and kept me going. I'll have to listen to him more often while drawing lol

Saturday, January 21, 2012

pimp my blog

Wooooooooo! FINALLY re-modeled this blog to what I'd like it to look like. Thank you The Cutest Blog on the block! No longer do I weep tears of sorry when I see my blog. Huzzah.

Aaaaaaand some new work! That just so happens to match my blog theme. Snap.

I'm pretty excited about this project and can't wait to see how it's gonna turn out when I'm done!

On a side note: I happen to have the palest of the pale genes [German + Irish ftw] plus small genes from my mothers side [ugh]. So, there are times where I need to use my own hands for photo reference when doing illustrations. These two genetic traits combined make it VERY hard to do that. On the upside, it makes me very observant/aware of how "normal" hands are supposed to look and makes me double check size relations carefully.
So, I guess on the whole, it's more of a pro than a con haha

Monday, January 16, 2012

Here are some sketches and a logo I did recently! I really had fun doing that green and blue hair, let me tell you. I wish there was a machine that allowed you to change your hairstyle everyday without damaging it. If there was, I'd totally rock that 'do from time to time.

It feels like January is chuggin’ through slowly, yet the weeks seem to be going by too quickly at the same time.
I could do without the cold… Even though I was born in the winter, I'm more of a summer kind of person :P

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Coloring some things here and there and also doing some fun coloring sketches to just relax and play around :)
I forgot how much fun it is to draw kids.
Also…you know what I haven’t drawn in a while? Animals. I should draw some animals….yea….

I’m really looking forward to this year!